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Healthy eating through the holidays

Three strategies from our nutrition team

The holidays are not the time for setting unrealistic weight-loss goals. From Halloween to New Year’s, simply holding your ground is a success. Here are our three strategies to help you do that through the food-forward festivities ahead while enjoying all the beauty of the season.

October: “Fun-size” your treats

The makers of Halloween candy are on to something: “fun size” is plenty when it comes to treats. That first bite of a candy bar — or cookie, or cake, or donut — really is the best. The same goes for chips — they’re love at first crunch, but after the first few, you’re kind of eating on autopilot.

In October, start fun-sizing your treats. Prepare a “first bite” portion, put it on a small plate, and put the rest away, out of sight. Then fully savor your treat, giving it your rapt attention. Start thinking of yourself as a dessert “taster” who gets more from less.

Pick up a few tricks to plan a healthier Halloween for your kids.

November: Eat mindfully

Building on October’s strategy, November is the ideal month to practice more mindful eating in general. That doesn’t mean depriving yourself of Thanksgiving foods that you look forward to all year. It means making intentional choices and allowing yourself to enjoy them with your full presence.

Mindfulness can reduce unconscious noshing and increase satisfaction. In this season of gratitude, take time to truly appreciate the people — and yes, the foods — that you love.

There’s much more to mindful eating. Learn more here.

December: Make room for joy

Throughout this year, we’ve focused on positive steps toward healthy change. For December, and from here on out, your strategy is simply to keep up that positive mindset and momentum. Lean on the healthy habits that are now part of your life.

Go in with a plan. Use a smaller plate. Dish up your veggies first. Eat a big salad. Make soup. Grill some lean protein. Choose a special treat. Savor the perfect bite. Count calories less, and your blessings more. And have a joyful holiday season.

Looking for more holiday eating strategies? Here are 12.